Edited by: Noah Olamilekan

Trance is one of the sensitive subject matter in the body of Christ. It has been misunderstood 

overtime, but God will give us light tonight.

I need to say that regardless of the knowledge we have in God, Trance is real

Trance is not for babies in Christ or for weak Christians who cannot control themselves

This has been the narrative we have been hearing now

So what is Trance?

Trance is: “The…state in which a man has passed out of the usual order of his life, beyond the 

usual limits of consciousness

Trance is a state of subconsciousness, you know something is working in you but it is beyond your 


Trance can decide to send you lying on the floor unable to control yourself yet alive

In Trance, you are not unconscious, you are only subconscious

I must say this that because there is an original product, that is why we can see fake

Seeing fake Trance all about do not means trance is fake

Let's see scriptures:

Numbers 24:1-4

Numbers 24:1 And when Balaam saw that it pleased the LORD to bless Israel, he went not, as at 

other times, to seek for enchantments, but he set his face toward the wilderness.

24:2 And Balaam lifted up his eyes, and he saw Israel abiding in his tents according to their 

tribes; and the spirit of God came upon him. 

24:3 And he took up his parable, and said, Balaam the son of Beor hath said, and the man whose 

eyes are open hath said: 

24:4 He hath said, which heard the words of God, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling 

into a trance, but having his eyes open:

Do you see the word trance here?

Notice when he fell into this trance, his eyes were open. He was not asleep, but it seemed he was 

in a sleeplike state, not moving.

Act 22:17-21

Acts 22:17 And it came to pass, that, when I was come again to Jerusalem, even while I prayed 

in the temple, I was in a trance; 

22:18 And saw him saying unto me, Make haste, and get thee quickly out of Jerusalem: for they 

will not receive thy testimony concerning me. 

22:19 And I said, Lord, they know that I imprisoned and beat in every synagogue them that 

believed on thee: 

22:20 And when the blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed, I also was standing by, and 

consenting unto his death, and kept the raiment of them that slew him. 

22:21 And he said unto me, Depart: for I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles.

22:22 And they gave him audience unto this word, and then lifted up their voices, and said,

Away with such 

a fellow from the earth: for it is not fit that he should live.

You see here that

Trance is a normal experience for believer

Paul had a vision in a Trance

There is always an Instruction to be held when called into the realm of Trance

Some believers have this dimensions which they can't really give it a name

We have many examples in the scriptures to justify that

I will be using Maria Woodworth Etter

And Abiodun Emmanuel to address this then we are good to go

Woodworth Etter spoke during her days that angels regularly came into her bedroom at night and 

carried her over prairies, lakes, forests, and rivers, where she would see long fields of waving

grain that would fall into sheaves as she began to preach. She had many such dreams and visions, 

which she interpreted as a call to preach.

At her revival meetings, people danced, laughed, cried, shouted, screamed, and fell into trances

that sometimes lasted several days.

Did you see days here? 

John who wrote the book of revelation was in Trance for days also

In our set as a church

Don't let us talk down dimensions of God because we don't understand the language of the Spirit

Although people are faking Trance does not mean Trance is fake

In her meetings people go in Trance and explained how they saw Jesus

But the once we see now ehn. They don't see anything

Trance always leave a trace of message

Can I tell you, witches go into Trance also

Yoga is a good example

That's why we need to be careful

Psalms 24 clearly spell it out that who will ascend into the hills of God

Those with clean and pure heart… Those who do not lift His soul into vanity

The gate to God is Jesus

Lemme rush to mama Abiodun Emmanuel

Abiodun Emmanuel was at a Catholic mass called corpus Christi, then she started speaking in 


Corpus Christi is done in Catholic Church

No one understands what was wrong with her

She was Subconscious Saying something no one understands

People assumes she heard mental illness

So the family got to know Baba Orimolade that is a healer

When baba saw her, he knew she was in Trance which lasted for days

It was notified by Baba Orimolade that mama Abiodun Emmanuel was in Trance.

During the duration of her Trance, there was a stream of the Prophetic ministry

How that Baba Orimolade interpreted her tongues

We need to know before Baba Orimolade met mama Abiodun Emmanuel

Baba have started ministry

Or lemme say Evangelism

Which was known as egbe Aladura

Mama Abiodun Emmanuel spoke in tongues that the movement will be Seraphim

We need to know in Trance, you can burst into any spiritual gift God desire

You can launch into healing

It can be a time God wants to deal with your excesses

When Apostle Selman started his ministry, people are slain in God that they go in Trance

They need to carry them home

You don't choose to enter Trance, God decides that

Not that you will look for one bed and sleep every year

People who fall into God-given trances are emotional or have strong memories about the 

experience, they don't forget their experience.

God does tell us to pursue spiritual gifts, but a trance is not a gift like the nine gifts of the Spirit

If we seek supernatural experiences for the sake of supernatural experiences, the devil will 


Devil may hijack your hunger

That why some people that go in Trance every year ehn. When they see outside fire of God they 

will manifest demons, because they love supernatural experience more than God.

At the same time, we do not want to quench the Spirit through fear, unbelief, or doubt.

Be open to anything God wants to do for you, give to you, or take from you and you’ll 

experience everything He has for you in the right time and the right season.

Let us Pray

Father, thank you for teaching me about the trance realm. I am open and ready for any realm 

You want to show me, but I do not want to go where You aren’t taking me. Help me not to be 

deceived by false encounters and demonic realms. Open my eyes only to what You want to 

show me, in Jesus’s name.”


I have a Question Sir

Thank You very much Sir...

What's the different between the Pagan Trance and The Christian Trance? 

I know of many sects that go on trance like the Osun people, the Muslims, the Hindu, the 

Buddhist. All this religion also claim to go on trance and see things..

How do we know a Trance is of God?


To know is very simple

The person in Trance must recognize the person of Jesus

And for you to know depend on your intimacy in God... Because in discernment, assumption is 

very costly.


What are the Costly assumptions Sir. 

And what if the person claim to believe in Christ and yet 

some messages she uttered seems to contradict Christ finished sacrifice?


A pagan is being intoxicated by the demon in which they serve when on trance

A Christian is intoxicated by the Holy Spirit when on trance

It is now left for a Christian to differentiate between pagan trance and Christian trance through 

the gift of Discerning of spirit.

Our teacher gave us a few examples of those who went on trance: Balaam, Peter, Paul and also 


So discerning about trance would need that we identify the general experiences of these four:

1. The trance was personal. So there's no bed or isoji

2. Most of the things seen were figures needing interpretation

3. The interpretation of what they saw has to do with their sound understanding of the scripture.


So how do you discern a lying trance?

1. The trance is fix or predated, its annual etc

2. The person on trance has a bed etc and called mailaka

3. Customers or clients come for consultation

Note: The captain Abiodun mentioned earlier who was the first to go on trance in c&s went on 

trance in her father's house, no isoji, in fact after much persuasion, Baba Moses only came on 

the last day in June 1924. - Remi Ohunayo


Melech Joshua

To answer your question... There are many encounters of how God reveal himself or His dealings to people.

Littered around the bible we can see numerous encounters which TRANCE is one of those

The supernatural experience or encounter is not limited to TRANCE but trance in itself is an encounter.
A spiritual journey

Read Ezekiel 8

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